Tuesday 10 November 2015

Feeling Autumnal...

I'm only now realising that this might possibly be my most favourite time of the year. This year, the leaves seem to be so much more crisp and warm toned.
 Not to mention my Instagram account blending in with the theme..........
 Oh, and my dog.............
Autumn is such a nice time of year because the weather isn't so horrible that you might as well wear wellie boots and the most waterproof raincoat. You can still wear your nice, suede timberland boots, with a nice thick coat that doesn't have to be waterproof.

I'm finding outdoor very easy to photograph at the moment so be prepared for all the outdoorsy-pretty picture posts!

I'm heading out in search of a DIY white backdrop this week so that I can do a beauty post soon of my favorite products at the moment. I would usually just find some rustic background at home but I'm at university now, and, well, you probably know what the rooms look like!!

Hope you're having a lovely week,

Saturday 31 October 2015

A Fresh Start

To anyone reading, after so many attempts to post a weekly blog, I have decided to give it m all. 
My aim is to post a weekly blog to start with and to become comfortable writing about my experiences. 

I moved to Bristol in September to study a Business Management course at university. The city has opened my eyes to all the amazing opportunities out there that so many of us are oblivious to! From this realisation, I've decided to share with you some pictures I snap in the next chapter of my life. 

I want to keep this post small and simple, so I'll keep to the basics!

I thought I knew who I was and what I stood for, but going to Bristol has definitely been one of the hardest things EVER. Fitting into univeristy is sooo hard for me right now. Coming from such a small, welcoming village is proving tough for me. I have never moved home, and studied at school and college which was so close to where I live, I had no reason to travel far. 

I'm such an opinionated (in a good way), loud, smiley, person but since arriving at Bristol, all I've found myself doing is holding back. I seem to be in a little bubble that I just can't burst my way out of. 

However, not all things are bad. Whenever I have a bad day, I try to remind myself of the positive things. The feeling of self-worth and accomplishment when I achieve my degree. The many new people I'll meet and create wonderful memories with. Finally, the person I will become. 

Many more posts to come,

Wednesday 17 June 2015


So much for the next post being 'very soon'!! (I'll be late for my own funeral)...

I have been super duper busy lately with work, college and applying for university! Not to mention I'm off to NEW YORK Thursday!! Too many things going on at once.

I mentioned in my last post that I'd post some pictures I took whilst on my lovely walk in the park. I use a free editing software that can be downloaded from Google it's called 'GIMP 2'. I have previously used Photoshop and find it nearly all of the features that Adobe does. Excellent for basic editing photographs.

This post is an old one that I never managed to put up, sorry!! :-(